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目前,在单机情况下,对于处理多个问询Parallel Method的效率低于Serial Method的效率。在接下来的工作中会考虑使用分布式数据处理系统来对Parallel Method进行实验优化,尝试提高其计算效率。


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[14]WEI Z W,HE X D,X X K,et al. TopPPR: Top-k Personalized PageRank Queries with Precision Guarantees on Large Graphs[C].// International Conference on Management of Data.SIGMOD,2018.

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[16] ROUL R.K., SAHOO J.K., ARORA K. Query-Optimized PageRank: A Novel Approach[M]. Computational Intelligence in Data Mining. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Singapore:Springer,2019:673-683

[17]LI C C,KANG Z J,YU H G, et al. Identification Method of Key Nodes in Power System Based on Improved PageRank Algorithm[J]. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society,2019,34(09):168-175.

李昌超, 康忠健, 于洪国, et al. 基于PageRank改进算法的电力系统关键节点识别[J].电工技术学报, 2019, 34(09):168-175.

[18]LIU Z Y,LI Q F,CENG C, et al.An Optimization Method of PageRank Based on Spark and its Application Research[J].Journal of CAEIT, 2018(4):399-405.

刘振宇, 李钦富, 曾操, et al.基于Spark的PageRank算法优化及其军事应用研究[J]. 中国电子科学研究院学报, 2018(4):399-405 

